Election 2016 – a call to prayer





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Prayer Night


21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


January 10-31, 2015

This is an initiative of fasting and prayer for a revival of God’s presence and work in your own life and church. The goal of this revival in you is for God’s glory to be revealed to a watching world that needs to know Him. When large numbers or high percentages of people are transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, spiritual awakening is the result.

PRAY – Prayer guide available with daily Scriptures designed to fix your focus on God and what He has to say to us through His Word.

FAST – Fasting may be a new discipline for you. If so, do some research or ask someone about fasting. That may include denying yourself food, or it could include a fast from television or media for a season. Fasting heightens your hunger for God and your focus on Him, but it also provides you with additional time to pray.

CONNECT – Each night, from 10 PM EST to Midnight, folks can gather for a virtual prayer meeting. The call will be offered via audio only through Free Conferencing. Please note the updated call-in number and information. To join, call 712-432-0075 and enter 367853#. (Use your phone keypad to enter *6 to mute/unmute your line.)

Click to view prayer suggestions for each night’s call.


Steps to Become Involved in this Initiative

Step 1: Promote the initiative with this flyer – New Bulletin Insert (printed 2 up on letter size paper). Plan to be  a part of the Virtual Prayer Meeting beginning January 10.

Step 2: As a pastor or prayer leader, review the Prayer Guide and Fasting Guidelines. You can also join the effort praying as an individual. Decide whether you will distribute the entire guide or each week individually. Sign-up to receive the devotions in your email inbox with this form.

Download The Complete 21-Day Guide

Step 3: As January 4th approaches, plan to celebrate The Great Day of Prayer. (Resources here>) And introduce the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Distribute The Complete 21-Day Prayer Guide or Week ONE Guide.

Step 4: Begin your prayer and fasting on January 10.

Step 5: Distribute the Week TWO Guide on January 18.

Step 6: Distribute the Week THREE Guide on January 25.

Step 7: Celebrate a Great Awakening on January 31.


Add this artwork to your denominational or church website for participants to find the call information quickly and easily.

Each night there will be a special co-host for the evening. If you are part of a state/regional office, the artwork shown here with Dr. Williams can be updated by you to include the co-host for your area with their assigned date. Email laura@projectpray.org for native files.

Praying for Those Yet to Believe in Christ
Guidelines for Daniel Fast
Spiritual Inventory

My husband and I participated in the 21-day fast. It has strengthened our relationship with the Lord and also with one another. I am thankful for the structured outline with daily devotions. The Holy Spirit spoke to us through the words. – D Godwin.

Archive of previous 21 Day Praying and Fasting Initiatives


Jentezen Franklin

Awake America


Why Fasting is Growing in America


2014 Prayer Conference For Church of God Great Lakes Region


Church of God Great Lakes Region
Ron K. Martin, Administrative Bishop

For lodging arrangements please contact Jennifer Schulker @ 630-701-4753
Office 630-365-9361     Bishop’s Cell. 513-617-6318 
PO Box 930 Elburn, Il 60119

30 Days of Prayer and Fasting


Church of God Great Lakes Region
Ron K. Martin, Administrative Bishop
December 10, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This is a wonderful time of the year as we celebrate the greatest gift to all of us, the gift of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ!  What a wonderful difference He has made in each of our lives and world!  Roshelle and I hope that you and your family will have a wonderful, Christ centered holiday!  He is more than a reason for the season, He is the only true Joy which will not leave with the season.
I am also writing with great excitement for what I know God has in store for 2014 for the Church of God Great Lakes Region!  A New Year, Fresh Start, New Beginnings and New Opportunities to see God work in our lives, churches and region.  As we prepare to enter into the new year I am asking every minister and each local church in the Great Lakes Region to join with Roshelle and I in beginning January 1, 2014 by uniting together in
30 Days of Prayer and Fasting for our region and the work which God has called us to do.  Humbling ourselves and  and surrendering completely to God.  Praying specifically for:
  • God’s Anointing For The Leadership In Our Region And Local Churches
  • God’s Help For Us To Sell The Glen Ellyn & Elburn Properties
  • God To Raise Up Men And Women With A Passion For Ministry
  • God’s Favor And Provisions To Win our Cities and Make Disciples
Please make a personal commitment to pray and involve every person in your local church, from the children to the senior adults.  Plan prayer meetings, prayer chains and other creative means to make this time of 30 Days of Prayer and Fasting meaningful and a priority.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see a revival break out in every life and church, from this time of united prayer and fasting. Jesus is coming soon and God is looking for those who have understanding of the times and are obedient to His will for their lives and have a heart for God!   I would encourage each church to utilized the Solemn Assembly materials available on the regions website,cogglr.org in the Prayer and resource sections.
Thank you for your commitment to unite together with us in this time of
30 Days of Prayer and Fasting!
We have you in our hearts,
Ron and Roshelle Martin
Ron and Roshelle Martin
Administrative Bishop
Office 630-365-9361     Bishop’s Cell. 513-617-6318 
PO Box 930 Elburn, Il 60119

Prayer and Fasting for Lili and Maria


Скъпо църковно семейство “Нов Живот” и приятели,
Може би вие всички знаете малката 2 годишна Лили. Здравословното и състояние се е влошило напоследък, тъй като стомахчето и се изпълва с течности и лекарите са я поставили в списъка на чакащите за трансплантация на черен дроб. В този критичен момент майка и Мария трябва да отиде на много сериозна операция в близко бъдеще. Нейният съпруг Георги преминава през сериозно предизвикателство да бъде до съпругата си, грижещ се за Лили и снабдявайки засемейството си.
Да, ние сме се молили за Лили толкова много в миналото, но сега ще се молим повече за нея и за цялото семейство, и ние започваме верижен пост от днес за следващите 4 седмици. Моля, присъединете се в молитва и пост чрез изпращане на ден в който ще постите на editornewlife@gmail.com. Искам да съм сигурен, че сме покрили с пост всеки ден през следващите 4 седмици.
Нашата вяра е във Всемогъщия, Мощен и Любящ Бог. Доверяваме се, че победата е в Неговия Син Исус Христос.

пастор Владо

Dear New Life Church family and friends,

You may all know the little 2 year old Lili. Her health condition has deteriorated recently as her stomach fills with fluids and the doctors have put her on the waiting list for a liver transplantation. In this critical time her mom Maria has to go a very serious surgery in a near future. Her husband George is going through a serious challenge of being next to his wife, caring for Lili and providing for the family.

Yes, we’ve prayed for Lili so much in the past but now we will pray more for her and for the whole family, and we are starting chain fasting from today for the next 4 weeks. Please join the prayer and fasting by sending your fasting day to vlgeorge@yahoo.com. I want to make sure we have fasting coverage for every day in the next 4 weeks.

Our faith is in an almighty, powerful and loving God. We trust that victory is in His Son Jesus Christ.

pastor Vlado

Prayer and Praise Conference 2012 Schedule


Prayer and Praise Celebration &
Church Workers Conference

Bridgeview Church of God

Location: 7845 W. 71st Street, Bridgeview IL 60455

Friday March 2nd and Saturday March 3rd 2012

Guest Speaker Dr. T. L Lowery

Focus: The Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Worship Celebration

Friday March 2nd 2012

6:00p-6:30p   Intercessory Prayer Meeting  Pastor Arthur Guice

7:15 Celebration

Presiding Bishop James Gambill

Welcome Bishop & Mrs. Busby

Praise and Worship             Bridgeview Church of God

Special Singing

Announcements Bishop James Gambill

Introduction of Speaker Dr. Wayne C. Solomon

Sermonic Solo

Ministry of the Word Dr. Thomas Lanier Lowery

Altar Service Dr. Lowery

Benediction Bishop Oswald Nelson

Saturday March 3rd 2012

8:00 -9:00am Registration and Refreshments

9:00am Devotion

Session 1

9:30-10:50 Taxes, Health Insurance Rebates,

Retirement for Ministers CPA Bill Addison

Music Ministry that produces Worship:

Rev. Stacy Blackburn

Breaking the 100 barrier

(Churches with attendances above 50 but

under 100) Bishop Christopher Lewis

Session 2

11:00-12:20pm Prayer that brings Transformational Revival:

Pastor Arthur Guice

Firing up your Youth Ministry:

Rev. Kimberly Thomas

Strengthening a New/ Small Church

(Churches with attendances of 2-50)

Bishop Oswald Nelson

Women’s Ministry Session

Sister Monica Solomon

12:30-1:50 LUNCH $10.00

2:00-3:20 Session 3

Taxes, Health Insurance Rebates,

Retirement for Ministers CPA Bill Addison

Breaking the 200 barrier

(Churches with attendances above 100 but

under 200) Pastor Rob Ramirez

Successful Children’s Ministry

Rev. Jennifer Thorsen

3:30-4:30 Worship Celebration Guest Speaker Dr. T.L Lowery

Registration is FREE!!!!!!!
Freewill offerings will be received.
All Pastors, Pastors Wives, Ministers, Ministers Wives, Church Leaders, Workers and potential Workers are invited.

Prayer for Japan


Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
As you already know Japan has been shattered by, what scientists say is, the 7th strongest ever recorded in history earthquake. In the aftermath of the devastation from the quake, the tsunami, 3 blasts in the nuclear power plant, and radiation leak thousands are dead, many more missing and whole town and villages are wiped off the map. Despite the very high earth quake readiness of the country the economic and environmental devastation is enormous. Above everything else is the loss of human lives and missing people. Let us join the millions of brothers and sisters, who pray for the people of Japan. May they find comfort in our Heavenly Fathers Love and care as we become Jesus’ hands and feet in times of need and tragedy.

Please pray for immediate solution of the problem in the nuclear plants as the core meltdown of the reactors may cause the worse nuclear tragedy in human history.

Prayer Meeting Canceled

praying-hands1Скъпи приятели,
Съжaляваме много, но поради големия сняг отлагаме молитвенното събрание за тази вечер, вторник, 11-ти януари. Ако времето ни позволи утре църквата ще бъде отворена отново за молитвенно събрание.
Имайте прекрасно време със семействата си тази вечер и разбира се ако искате можете заедно да се молите там където сте.
Бъдете благословенни!

п-р Станимир Танев

January – Prayer and Fasting Month


New Life Church starts the new 2011 with a month of prayer and fasting. You can access the power of Biblical Fasting and transform your life if you take the decision to join us.

“When you fast, your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world and amazingly sensitive to the things of God. Once you’ve experienced even a glimpse of this and the countless rewards and blessings that follow, it changes your entire perspective” quote from the book “Fasting” from Jentezen Franklin –  a recommended reading for this month.

We believe that God has called His church to be victorious in the Spirit. The spiritual warfare is not a myth but a reality. It’s time to say enough to darkness and oppression and experience the Spiritual breakthrough by penetrating and impacting this world for Christ. Remember that we don’t only work for God but we also work with God. He has promised to be with you and we trust that miracles, signs and wonders will follow you as you walk, breath and live in His Spirit.

Pastor Vladimir Georgiev

Recommended Book

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Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God by Jentezen Franklin

Are you seeking healing? Does a loved one need salvation? Is your faith community searching for direction? Tap into the power of fasting and present your requests to the Lord! Offering simple suggestions, Franklin shows how abstaining from food will leave your spirit uncluttered so you are free to seek God’s will in prayer and humility. 256 pages, hardcover from Charisma.

Available at New Life Church.